But that’s huge: the insane abundance. “According to Kunze, we don’t need 90 percent of the products on offer to survive.

But that’s huge: the insane abundance. “According to Kunze, we don’t need 90 percent of the products on offer to survive.

I am a realist. People have always tried to regulate their mood with various products. The only question is: How can it be done as safely as possible? “

“You used to eat what was there. You can always eat today. That creates a problem ”

So much for addictive substances. And how is our diet doing? “There is only one problem here. But that is enormous: the insane abundance.” According to Kunze, we don’t need 90 percent of the products that are on offer to survive. “Human history is a story of lack. There were times when there wasn’t enough to eat. We don’t have that problem today. On the contrary.” Today we run the risk of consuming more than is actually necessary. “In the past you ate what was there. Today you can always eat. That creates a problem.”

Don’t demonize the food industry

Too much fat, too much sugar. Not to mention preservatives. The buck is often blamed on the food industry. Wrong, as Kunze thinks. “Food is much safer today, even 30 or 40 years ago.” Sure, the providers know what sells well. In the supermarket, for example, we find meter-long shelves filled with sweets. But the responsibility lies with the consumer. “It’s up to us what we buy.” And to take another example: “It’s not McDonald’s. People don’t have to go in.”

Regulations at product level would not solve the problem of unhealthy nutrition. “If you were to introduce a fat tax, you would have to tax olive oil differently than lard. With a curd cheese you would have to show exactly how much fat there is. You would have to record the fat content of thousands of products. That is impossible. It is too complicated. It would take that a surveillance state. Thank God we can still consume what we want. ” At the same time we have to learn to deal with this freedom.

“Thank God we can still consume what we want”

Apart from that, Kunze thinks little of generalized dietary recommendations. “To say all the food is too fat or too sweet is stupid.” Not everyone has to chastise themselves nutritionally. “Why not eat lard when your cholesterol and weight are okay?” The expert advocates individually adapted recommendations. And for standing on the scales as often as possible. “So that you don’t lose your weight.” Apropos weight: Austria not only has an excess, but also an excess

Underweight problem

. Young women are particularly affected by the latter.

A lot of catching up to do with movement

According to the social medicine specialist, one also has to be careful with a vegan diet. “That there is no insufficient supply here. Any one-sided diet creates a problem in the medium term.” Finally, there is movement. A survey published in 2016 shows: Austrians are downright reluctant to exercise: 31 percent never do sports, 17 percent only rarely.https://123helpme.me/ So this area of ​​life can still be expanded. Whereby Kunze consciously does not speak of sport. Rather, he recommends incorporating exercise into everyday life.

“Walk more, get off one station earlier. Set up the printer as far away as possible from your desk, get up, go there. Stand up instead of holding meetings.” Because: Man is not built to sit. According to Kunze, exercise is a central element of our health. It affects our metabolism and indirectly affects our lifestyle. Which, all in all, can’t be that bad, the Austrians, as the social medicine specialist emphasizes, are as healthy today as never before.

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Overweight and obesity

are a massive problem in Austria. Occurs in men


more often than in women. Overweight and obesity are most pronounced among 51 to 65-year-old men, according to the Austrian Nutrition Report 2017. Time to counter the trend.

“Currently, over 30 percent of women and 50 percent of men in Austria are overweight, that is almost 3.5 million Austrians,” says Friedrich Hoppichler, President of the Austrian Obesity Society.

The perfect weight loss program for men

The result: obese men have 5.66 times the risk of high blood pressure compared to people of normal weight. Obesity not only affects blood pressure, but also the cardiovascular system and increases the risk of metabolic disorders such as

Type 2 diabetes

. We show you how you can take countermeasures.

1. Create awareness: health comes first

Doctors and nutritionists find time and again that men rarely lose weight because they find themselves too fat. It almost always takes an external spark for the average man to change something in his lifestyle.

2. Don’t wait for diagnosis

The average man usually only starts making lifestyle changes when the doctor diagnoses diabetes or a heart problem. Or if one



3. You have to know this number (s)

In addition to looking in the mirror, how about calculating the body mass index? The BMI is a measurement and guide value that enables an assessment of body weight. Obesity refers to exactly that. With a BMI of 25 to 30 one speaks of overweight, with a higher BMI doctors speak of obesity (adiposity).

4. Calculate the BMI

How can you calculate your BMI? It’s very easy. The calculation is based on the following formula: BMI = body weight [kg] / (body height [m]) ² or simply enter it in an online mask:

to the BMI calculator


5. Changing your diet begins in your head

Many men get fat because they eat and drink too much of the wrong thing, for example six times as much


like women. Since the therapy of obese people is only sustainably successful in ten percent of all cases, the focus must be on prevention: The prevention strategy should aim at changing existing eating habits and increasing physical activity.

6. Nan (n) has to pay attention to this when eating

  • less red / fatty meat, sausage and animal fat
  • more vegetables
  • less white flour and sugar (carbohydrates)
  • more white / lean meat
  • more tofu or legumes (protein)
  • no alcohol

7. Train all muscle groups

Weight loss results mainly from diet changes. However, if men also expand their muscle cushion in the process, the effect is increased because of the high energy requirements of the muscles. Men should exercise all muscle groups in the body and not just squint at the fast-growing biceps.

8. Intermittent fasting – as invented for men

For those who like it simple and uncomplicated, this is the ideal diet method

Intermittent fasting

. With the simple principle, there are time windows for food intake, which alternate with fasting episodes. The fat metabolism is activated, excess kilos can melt away.

9. Those who don’t like breakfast use the 16: 8 method

The popular 16: 8 method is suitable as a permanent nutritional principle: During the day, people eat in an 8-hour window, two to three meals without snacks in between. The nocturnal eating break is extended to 16 hours – ideal for men who do not like breakfast.

10. For consistent: 5: 2 intermittent fasting

The 5: 2 intermittent fasting allows normal eating for five days. There are a maximum of 500 calories each on two days.

11. For professionals only: The 1: 1 method

It is considered to be the most difficult method to maintain: alternately eat one day and one fast. For men (and women), the combination of two protein shakes and a normal meal a day is a good start to losing weight. US presenter and comedian Jimmy Kimmel lost over twelve kilos before switching to intermittent fasting 5: 2.

12. The men’s secret weapon

Once men have decided to lose weight, they enjoy a great advantage over women. Men are taller, heavier and have more muscles – as a result, their bodies burn more energy even when they are resting.

13. Discipline pays off

When men also save calories, they lose more weight and lose weight faster than women. The reason: your body clings less to fat deposits, which women use as a stubborn reservoir for pregnancy and breastfeeding.

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Around 100,000 Austrians currently suffer from it


. The trend is increasing. By 2050, the number of those affected will rise to 230,000. Even if it often hurts – we can no longer turn a blind eye to the disease. What you should know.

Imagine that you no longer know where you are at home, much less what your name is … The number of people affected by Alzheimer’s is growing rapidly. That doesn’t have to be the case, as every individual can, with the right measures, reduce the risk of dementia or at least slow down the course of the disease. What types of dementia are there? How can we counteract it? And what leads us straight into the disease? News.at asked Prof. Peter Dal-Bianco, the head of the outpatient department for memory disorders at MedUni Vienna.

Alzheimer’s as the most popular form

The most common and probably best known form of dementia is Alzheimer’s. According to Prof. Dal-Bianco, around 60 percent of dementia patients suffer from it. Vascular dementia with seven to 20 percent and Lewy body dementia with seven to 15 percent take second and third place. With three to five percent, frontotemporal dementia, or FTD for short, is the rarest, but also the most insidious variant of dementia.

Behavior without distance to exhibitionism

For people who suffer from FTD, thinking, remembering and orientation still work quite well at first. On the other hand, they quickly show a distant, often coarse behavior, are easily irritable, get underhanded and draw ever deeper from an ordinary vocabulary. According to the expert, the lack of distance can also manifest itself on a sexual level. Some patients are prone to exhibitionism. The insidious thing about the FTD is the fact that the person concerned does not see that he is sick. You can imagine how difficult it is to suggest therapy to someone who thinks they are all right.

What is said is often empty of content

Another form of FTD, primarily progressive aphasia, affects the language center. The patient gets more and more stuck when speaking, there are writing and naming disorders on the one hand and word formation on the other. In contrast, those affected by so-called semantic dementia are very well able to speak fluently. They can repeat, read and write words – but they do not understand their meaning. Accordingly, what they say is often empty of content. Patients have difficulty naming things and tend to create new words. Often they also no longer recognize familiar faces.

Dementia as a result of stroke

The second and third most common types of dementia are shared by vascular and Lewy body dementia. Vascular dementia can occur as a result of circulatory disorders, such as after a stroke. People who suffer from this form of dementia often also have high blood pressure and / or


. Increased blood lipids, increased uric acid and smoking increase the risk of the disease. In other words: anything that is not good for the cardiovascular system also promotes vascular dementia.

Visual hallucinations possible

Lewy body dementia can occur from the age of 40. The slower it usually progresses. The person concerned suffers from disturbed attention, the intellectual capacity changes. Symptoms similar to Parkinson’s disease, such as sudden falls, difficulty sleeping and / or short-term impaired consciousness, occur. Visual hallucinations can also occur. In contrast to the FTD, the person affected here knows that he is sick.

Hereditary Alzheimer’s


Alzheimer’s: Minimize and prevent risk

As with other diseases, there are also influenceable and uncontrollable risk factors. The second includes age, gender (women are more likely to develop the disease than men) and, as already explained, the genetic predisposition. If this is the case, the right measures can at least influence the time of the start and the course. Prof. Dal-Bianco highlights seven risk factors:

1. Sedentary lifestyle: Those who don’t move have an 80 percent higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s. The expert therefore recommends being physically active for an hour three times a week, for example hiking, swimming or just going for a walk.

2. Diabetes: Diabetes patients who cannot be treated have a 40 percent higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

3. High blood pressure: With high blood pressure the risk of disease increases by 60 percent.

4. Obesity: this is where it gets exciting! While being overweight in middle age, i.e. between 30 and 60 years of age, increases the risk of dementia, it lowers the likelihood of disease in people aged 60 and over. Conversely, from this age onwards, being underweight becomes dangerous as it increases the risk from the age of 60.

5. Smoking: Studies have shown that a million fewer people would get Alzheimer’s disease if there were a quarter fewer smokers.

6. Little education and lack of mental activity: People with a high level of education, professional challenges, high intelligence and stimulating leisure activities have been shown to have only half the risk of illness.



